
Catalyst Family Photos

Hey everyone!

We are wanting to decorate the new lounge with photos from past Catalyst events.  If any of you have high-resolution photos (10 megapixels or more) that you've taken at events, please help us out by uploading them to a temporary Photobucket account.  The username is CatRowPics and you will receive the password in the the beaker.weekly email this week.  Thanks so much and we look forward to seeing (and showing off) our Catalyst family photos!

It's super easy to upload photos on Photobucket.

1) Enter username (CatRowPics) and password (find in beaker.weekly email).

2) Click on "Upload Images and Videos"

3) To upload more than one picture, hold down the Control key (or Command on Macs) and select as many pictures as you want.

4) Select "Open" (or hit Enter) and they will all begin to upload.

That's it!  No need to add captions or anything.  We will take care of the rest.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at sprang@catrow.org.

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