
"Doing" Life Together...

In the sermon last Sunday (Feb 6) I shared that we need to look for opportunities to "do life" with people where they are. Meet them where they are instead of creating more holy huddles at local churches and begging people to meet us there. I gave some examples that included, scrapbooking, riding mtn bikes, motorcycles, etc... We need to find out where people are already doing the things we like to do and join in with them and build authentic relationships along the way.

In time we may have the opportunity to share with them our story of how Jesus has made a difference in our lives. It may take 6 months, a year, two years, or five years. Living missionally (or on mission with God) is a marathon, not a sprint.

I was at Starbucks this morning and saw the poster at the top of this page that gets at what I am saying. We may have lots of people who like to sing and may enjoy singing in a choir. That will never happen at Catalyst (I mean NEVER), so here is a perfect opportunity to "do life" with others who have a shared interest with you.

What are ways that you can plug into peoples lives by joining them in doing something you both like to do?


Prayer Service - January 23rd @ 6pm

We want to be intentional about prayer this year, not just individually but corporately.  This will be the first of our once-a-month gatherings devoted to prayer.  Don't worry, we won't be putting anyone on the spot, or making you pray out loud in front of everyone.  They will be very casual and engaging.  We will be using different creative elements to help guide us and to keep it fresh.

This month's prayer service will be focusing on New Year's resolutions.  What do we need God to help us do this year? What areas does He want us to go deeper?  How can we better serve Him?

So join us on Sunday night, January 23rd at 6pm for a dedicated time with God.

Next month: Prayer Service for Love, February 20 at 6pm.


Rowlett Reindeer (Kid Christmas Sponsoring)

Last year, we joined other Rowlett churches to buy gifts for kids in our community who are in need.  We are going to be doing this again.  We'd love to sponsor as many kids as possible and give them what they need.  The First Christian Church of Rowlett has gone to great lengths this year to interview the families and find out what is most important.  We ask that you would pray about sponsoring some kids.  

How Does It Work
We will have the info cards on the kids hanging on the Christmas tree in the lobby starting Sunday, November 28 and will be collecting the gifts till Sunday, December 12. Each card will have a kids name and age as well as their list of items they want or need (many of these kids have underwear and socks on their Christmas list).  Go shopping and put all the gifts for that child in a big black trash bag with the card stapled to the outside.  Bring it to Catalyst and place it under the tree.  Let's make it obnoxious as we fill the lobby with gifts for the community.  What could happen if we gave to others instead of to ourselves this year?  

How Else Can I Help?
There are also other ways that you can help with this incredible ministry to our community.  Below are some dates with info of what they will be doing.  Take a look and see if there's a way you and your family or cgroup could serve at any of these times.

Monday, November 22 (6-8 pm)
What: Making Angels for Angel Trees
Where: First Christian Church,  7301 Miller road, Rowlett, 75088  972-475-3559   Rev. Ann Dotson

Friday, December 3rd (2 - 7pm)

What: Registration and Interviewing Families for Christmas Help.
Where: First Christian Church,  7301 Miller road, Rowlett, 75088  972-475-3559   Rev. Ann Dotson

Monday, December 13 - Wed. December 15 (1pm - 1am)
What: Shopping and gathering and preparing for distribution of gifts/food
Where: First Christian Church,  7301 Miller road, Rowlett, 75088  972-475-3559   Rev. Ann Dotson

Thursday, December 16 (6-10pm)
What: Distribution to about 100 families
(includes:  Santa Shop, craft room, movies, dinner, conversation, help wrapping gifts- and prayer)
Where: First Christian Church,  7301 Miller road, Rowlett, 75088  972-475-3559   Rev. Ann Dotson

Friday, December 17 (6-10pm)
What: Distribution to about 100 families
(includes:  Santa Shop, craft room, movies, dinner, conversation, help wrapping gifts- and prayer)
Where: First United Methodist Church,  4405 Main Street, Rowlett  972-475-3667   Rev. Dretha Burris.


Advent | Christmas Don't Be Late

The mirage of Christmas promises happiness but rarely delivers. It has come to be a time where we add the pressure of the season on top of our already busy lives leaving us limping through the days, crushed by the weight of expectation. In the end, presents are opened. Christmas is over...finally.

We desperately need the real Christmas, the anticipation of a hope in Christ, to bring joy to the world. To find our value in Him instead of stuff. We gather together to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Business subsides. The things of earth grow strangely dim. Life is breathed into our desperation. We realize again that God is with us. The weight of expectation fades and Christmas...begins.

Join us for our Advent series called “Christmas Don’t be Late” as we expose the mirage of Christmas and see that there are broken, hungry, and lonely people who need the hope that Christmas brings with it, the hope of Emmanuel, God (always) with us.

Beginning November 28.

- Doug Gunsalus, SoCoCommunity.com


Guys Night - Paintball, Nov. 20, 1pm-5:30pm

Calling all guys (18 and up) to join us at the Official Paintball Games of Texas (Forney) on November 20th from 1-5:30pm.  Cost is $26 and includes a equipment, lunch, and 200 paintballs. Sign up on Sunday with a $10 non-refundable deposit.

You can also print out the WAIVER, fill it out and turn it in to speed up the process on the 20th.


Catalyst Family Photos

Hey everyone!

We are wanting to decorate the new lounge with photos from past Catalyst events.  If any of you have high-resolution photos (10 megapixels or more) that you've taken at events, please help us out by uploading them to a temporary Photobucket account.  The username is CatRowPics and you will receive the password in the the beaker.weekly email this week.  Thanks so much and we look forward to seeing (and showing off) our Catalyst family photos!

It's super easy to upload photos on Photobucket.

1) Enter username (CatRowPics) and password (find in beaker.weekly email).

2) Click on "Upload Images and Videos"

3) To upload more than one picture, hold down the Control key (or Command on Macs) and select as many pictures as you want.

4) Select "Open" (or hit Enter) and they will all begin to upload.

That's it!  No need to add captions or anything.  We will take care of the rest.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at sprang@catrow.org.


Catalyst Update and Oppurtunity


An update and a request for help.

Many of you are aware that Catalyst partnered with the Nazarene District Office when we opened our current facility. The district rented office space from us to help offset the start-up costs of a new building. It was a great relationship, but the district has now moved on to help another church do the same thing.

This is a good thing for both parties as it means that we are now fully supporting ourselves financially. This is a big deal because your generosity brought this on much sooner than is normal for new churches. We now have the opportunity to move some offices around, and gain a bit more space for weekly use.

Here is the lowdown on how things will shake out:

  1. My current office will be turned into a resource room where we will store supplies and materials for the children's area. This will help de-clutter our classrooms.
  2. My office will move to a slightly larger space. This will allow me to meet with people in a more comfortable and private setting. Until now, I have had to meet at Starbucks or in The Lab which is a great place for our kids but not a great place to work through tough situations.
  3. The main office space will be turned into a multi-use space. We have big plans, including:
    1. A place to meet with first time guests to Catalyst... It will allow me to give our guests more one on one attention than I currently do. This space would create a great environment to meet new people.
    2. Meeting Space... As we look to the future, the need for a meeting space is becoming more and more apparent. This space will provide a great environment for these meetings to take place.
    3. Space for our teens... It can be difficult for teens to feel comfortable showing up to a house for youth meetings the first time, but nearly all the teens will have already attended services at Catalyst and have a sense of familiarity with the building and location.
    4. Nursing Moms- It is also possible that we could utilize this space for our nursing mothers during the service. With three babies born in the last three weeks and at least three more scheduled to arrive in the coming months, we need a comfortable space for our moms to feed these growing babies.
We have waited a couple of weeks to see if this space will furnish itself, but it has yet to happen, so this is where you come in. We feel it is important that this space fit in with the overall vibe and design of Catalyst. This means that we will not be filling it with couches from 1987. We have priced out furniture from IKEA in Frisco and can furnish this room and the new office for $1800. This includes one couch, three loveseats, three end tables, a desk, a TV and shelving. We consider each dollar given to Catalyst sacred and are always diligent in being good stewards of all that is given. We feel this is as frugal as we can be and still achieve the end result we are hoping for.

The summer giving was down at Catalyst and there is currently not enough margin in the account to purchase the needed furniture without some help. We are asking you to think and pray about giving something extra (on top of what you normally give) to help complete this project. It is important that our gifts be "on top of" our normal giving because if we shift our normal giving to this project we are right back where we started.

Please pray about what you should give and shoot an email to catalystrowlett@yahoo.com with the amount that you are willing to give to this project. We are committed to avoiding consumer debt as a church and will not furnish the room until the money has been pledged to be given. When we exceed the $1700 goal we will use the excess money to make other upgrades to the facility and to fund our "Make Some Magic Happen Fund" which is used to help Catalyst families who go through financially difficult times.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Grace and Peace,
