
"Doing" Life Together...

In the sermon last Sunday (Feb 6) I shared that we need to look for opportunities to "do life" with people where they are. Meet them where they are instead of creating more holy huddles at local churches and begging people to meet us there. I gave some examples that included, scrapbooking, riding mtn bikes, motorcycles, etc... We need to find out where people are already doing the things we like to do and join in with them and build authentic relationships along the way.

In time we may have the opportunity to share with them our story of how Jesus has made a difference in our lives. It may take 6 months, a year, two years, or five years. Living missionally (or on mission with God) is a marathon, not a sprint.

I was at Starbucks this morning and saw the poster at the top of this page that gets at what I am saying. We may have lots of people who like to sing and may enjoy singing in a choir. That will never happen at Catalyst (I mean NEVER), so here is a perfect opportunity to "do life" with others who have a shared interest with you.

What are ways that you can plug into peoples lives by joining them in doing something you both like to do?

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